Boosterthon HeroFit January 24th

Fundraiser UPDATE!! Get ready for our best fundraiser yet – The Butler Bear HeroFit Challenge!

Students will participate in a 30 minute fitness challenge and each fitness activity they complete will be considered one lap. Students will still average between 30 and 35 laps (or in this case, fitness activities). Nothing will change in regrads to amounts pleged or what sponsors should expect to pay. We’re so excited to give our students the best experience possible as we encourage fitness and celebrate helping our school!

The HeroFit Fitness Challenge schedule is listed below and we appreciate your support!
Come out on the 24th and cheer on your Bears!!

3rd Grade – 7:50 AM
Pre-K – 8:35 AM
2nd Grade – 9:20 AM
1st grade – 10:00 AM
Kindergarten – 12:45 PM
4th grade – 1:25 PM

Is this your first HeroFit at Butler?

Is this your first HeroFit at Butler?

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